Services at Ascension Church
11: 00am
Communion service, with Young people and children's groups (ages 3-8)
We come together for a time of lively worship and strong bible teaching. On most Sunday's we also celebrate Holy Communion, sharing and partaking of bread and wine. During part of the service, young people go into groups to celebrate in their own special way. This involves music, song, games, dance and sharing together as well as age related group activities. All seasoned with a heavy dose of FUN!
Cafe Service
The church is transformed into a Cafe. There is tea, coffee and brunch available throughout the service. It is an opportunity to worship together in a more informal setting and to discuss matters of faith in a relaxed environment.
Whatever the style of service every event has the same purpose and aims. We want to give glory to God the Father, through Jesus the Son, in the power of the Holy Spirit. In this our aim is to enable every worshipper to encounter the presence of God through word, song, prayer, and sacrament. We try to be creative in our use of liturgy, drawing on the both riches of tradition and the innovation of contemporary expressions of faith. We think it is important to express God’s concern for the world wide Church as well for the life of Ascension and in doing that we bring before God issues of daily life, issues that affect our neighbourhood, and issues of international affairs so that that, informed by God’s Word and Spirit, our faith may shape our lives and attitudes.
In making our worship meaningful we want to enable every worshipper to find ways of living the Christian life in practical daily living.
Tea, coffee, biscuits (and the odd cake) is served after every service.
Come and join us! Come and join in!