Everyone is welcome at Ascension. Many who attend contribute generously to the ongoing work of the church. We are conscious that some people are not in a position to make a financial contribution to the work we do here. However, many people recognise that at the heart of the faith of the Church is the grace of God, undeserved and unearned, to which giving is a Christian response. This giving is not only about money but of our whole selves as inherent in the life of discipleship.
The cost of running Ascension, which includes outreach to the community of Custom House and work to strengthen links with young people, is close to £1,600 per week.
If, after prayer, you are willing and able to make a financial commitment, Standing Order and Gift Aid forms for taxpayers are available for download below. If you would prefer to give weekly this is possible via our envelope scheme.
For further information please e-mail or telephone the Church Office.